travel information

Flying to Cape Town

Cape Town International Airport is approx. 34km from the conference venue.

Airport Transfers

Taxis are available at the airport but if you would like our agent to arrange transfers please email our agent. The time to and from the airport is approximately 20 minutes.

Traffic in the morning from 7:30 am to 8:30 am, and in the afternoon from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, means a 30-minute delay to and from the airport.

Letter of Invitation

You can send an email requesting a letter of invitation to Letters will only be issued upon receipt of payment.


Please click here to find complete information on visa requirements.

Time Zone

South African time is set at GMT +2. There are no time zone differences in South Africa and South Africa has not adopted a daylight time saving system in summer.


The rand is the official currency of South Africa. It is subdivided into 100 cents. Click here to check the exchange rate.

MEI Conferences

1 Freeman Collins Drive, Trescobeas Road
Falmouth, Cornwall, UK